East Campus (Friday)
948 S 91st E Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma
East Campus is the same Campus used by Academy on Mondays and Wednesdays. This campus will be capped at 50ish families.
Age Group Descriptions
For our Little Roots, please see the class descriptions below.
For the Redbuds and up there is a description below but click on the box to view the individual classes offered.
0 - Potty Trained
Seedlings are our nursery aged children. A child must be between the ages of 0-2 in order to be a part of the Seedling program.
Our Seedlings have several classrooms they utilize throughout the day. Children are divided between babies, crawlers, and walkers to better suit their needs.
Seedlings will have plenty of time for play. The day will be split between centers/free play and large motor play. When weather permits we can play outside. Seedlings have a playroom dedicated to “big toys” when the weather is not suitable for outside play. We also have plenty of messy fun with craft times. Quiet times with storybooks and music are encouraged. We have a napping room, as well.
Our day will consist of two snack times and a family-style lunchtime. We ask that parents bring a diaper bag or backpack fully stocked. Please make sure to include all that apply: diapers, wipes, labeled sippy cups, two snacks, lunch, a change of clothes, sunscreen (as needed), proper outdoor clothing (as needed), a favorite blankie or lovie for nap time. Please label all items.
Materials: Provided
Fees: $25 Supply Fee per school year
Potty Trained - 3 years
Saplings are our Preschool-aged children. A child must be 3 years old and potty trained to be a part of the Sapling program.
The Saplings will participate in several different types of learning throughout the day. They follow the same general schedule as our older students but have the freedom to be flexible as they are not part of the main class rotation.
The Saplings will have 5 core classes: Fitness, Art, Music, Centers and another elective, as well as a relaxed lunchtime. Below is a summary of what can be expected out of each core class.
Fitness: This class varies from a PE Basics class to a Dance Fitness class and everything in between. We will be introducing our 3-year-old children to the fun of exercising.
Music: Saplings will have the opportunity to explore music through games, songs, movement, and rhythm.
Centers: The Centers class will consist of many different activities to stimulate learning and imagination including Learning days of the week/months of the year, dramatic play and dress up, play-doh & puzzles, alphabet and color activities, sorting and counting, and sensory tables.
Art: Our art class will be a variety of art crafts and projects all designed to keep their hands busy!
Other Elective: Each year our Sapling teachers come up with fantastic, fun, elective classes such as Science Experiments, Learning About our World, etc.
For the younger ones, a time of rest may be encouraged. This end of the day will be focused on winding down, quiet reflection and play.
Materials: Provided
Fees: $25 Supply Fee per school year
4 Years
Sprouts are our Preschool-aged children. A child must be 4 years old and potty trained to be a part of the Sprouts program.
The Sprouts will participate in several different types of learning throughout the day. They follow the same general schedule as our older students but have the freedom to be flexible as they are not part of the main class rotation.
The Sprouts will have 5 core classes: Fitness, Art, Music, Centers and another elective, as well as a relaxed lunchtime. Below is a summary of what can be expected out of each core class.
Fitness: This class varies from a PE Basics class to a Dance Fitness class and everything in between. We will be introducing our 4-year-old children to the fun of exercising.
Music: Sprouts will have the opportunity to explore music through games, songs, movement, and rhythm.
Centers: The Centers class will consist of many different activities to stimulate learning and imagination including Learning days of the week/months of the year, dramatic play and dress up, play-doh & puzzles, alphabet and color activities, sorting and counting, and sensory tables.
Art: Our art class will be a variety of art crafts and projects all designed to keep their hands busy! Sprouts will work with different mediums to reinforce fine motor skills and sensory play.
Other Elective: Each year our Sprout teachers come up with fantastic, fun, elective classes such as Science Experiments, Learning About our World, etc.
For the younger ones, a time of rest may be encouraged. This end of the day will be focused on winding down, quiet reflection and play.
Materials: Provided
Fees: $25 Supply Fee per school year
5 Years / Kindergarten
Shrubs are our Kindergarten aged children. A child must be 5 years old and potty trained to be a part of the Shrubs program.
The Shrubs will participate in several different types of learning throughout the day. They follow the same general schedule as our older students but have the freedom to be flexible as they are not part of the main class rotation.
The Shrubs will have 5 core classes: Fitness, Art, Music, Centers and another elective, as well as a relaxed lunchtime. Below is a summary of what can be expected out of each core class.
Fitness: This class varies from a PE Basics class to a Dance Fitness class and everything in between. We will be introducing our 5-year-old children to the fun of exercising.
Music: Shrubs will have the opportunity to explore music through games, songs, movement, and rhythm.
Centers: The Centers class will consist of many different activities to stimulate learning and imagination including Learning days of the week/months of the year, dramatic play and dress up, play-doh & puzzles, alphabet and color activities, sorting and counting, and sensory tables.
Art: Our art class will be a variety of art crafts and projects all designed to keep their hands busy! Shrubs will work with different mediums to reinforce fine motor skills and sensory play.
Other Elective: Each year our Shrub teachers come up with fantastic, fun, elective classes such as Science Experiments, Learning About our World, etc.
The end of the day will be focused on winding down, quiet reflection and play.
Materials: Provided
Fees: $25 Supply Fee per school year
All Ages
The Willow Program is specially designed for Aspire Special Needs students!!
Willow students will have some classes on their own, and some classes mixed in with their peer tree (grade) group. Each child who takes part in the Willow Class Options will need to be mom-led throughout their day. This is offered at every campus and has been a successful and fun way to include everyone while also paying attention to any special needs that arise.
Willow parents will receive needed support through Aspire Willow FB groups, gatherings, and special panel sessions when needed.
Many Aspire students will also take part in the Willow Friends part of our program. This will be a "buddy" program for our Willow students. If your child wants to be a part of this, please check this option during Member Family Registration. This could be helping a Willow in PE, or simply being a reading buddy.
The Willow Program team also has a Partners and Resources list so that Aspire Members have a list of trusted resource recommendations for our group!
*On enrollment, you will be contacted by our Willow Program Director to ensure your student has the best schedule for his/her needs.
Upper Grades
For the Redbuds and up there is a description below but click on the box to view the individual classes offered.
Class Fees are Fees for the FULL SCHOOL YEAR and in addition to the Discovery Tuition Fee.
1st & 2nd Grades
Redbuds are such a fun age group, they are becoming more and more independent. Once they reach this age they get to begin choosing which classes they want to participate in, so it's an exciting time.
Click the button to choose which classes to participate in these categories: Health & Fitness, STEAM, Foreign Studies, & Life Skills
9th thru 12th Grades
The Oaks are so great! They are ready to go, ready to explore the world, ready to figure it all out. Their classes are available to more options because it's such a big wide world out there and we have to prep them for it.
Click the button to choose which classes to participate in these categories: Health & Fitness, STEAM, Foreign Studies, Life Skills, & Others.
3rd & 4th Grades
Maples are starting to really form their lasting friendships and learning how to communicate well. They are still so sweet while coming into their own little people.
Click the button to choose which classes to participate in these categories: Health & Fitness, STEAM, Foreign Studies, & Life Skills.
Member Requirements for Discovery Program Participation
To be a part of Aspire's Discovery Program Class Day, each Member Family must adhere to the following:
Be a fully vetted Aspire Member Family (all background checks passed, important docs signed, yearly fees paid)
If you are a Volunteer Parent and not dropping off students:
We need you to commit to being present for each class day! We only have 8 per semester and it is vital to our program that our adult volunteers be present. A portion of the discount given will be charged back to your account if you miss a class day and do not have another adult that can substitute for your role.
Your family will be asked to contribute food to our Parent Lounge a few times a semester. Trust us! This will be the highlight of your day and you won't mind providing some yummy sustenance when it's your turn!
Your family will have a small approximately 15-20 minute reset classroom duty at the end of each class day. Many hands make light work, and we encourage our families to get your kids involved in contributing to their class day! We raise funds over the summer in order to pay a cleaning crew to come to EACH CAMPUS so that we do not have to do the heavy lifting of cleaning any longer! This is thanks to YOUR donations/funds raised towards this AND to our Leadership Team for looking out for us always.