Educational Extras

As homeschoolers, we know that education doesn't just happen in a classroom! We learn in all settings! For that reason, Aspire has many options for those extra educational experiences! These are available to students across all campuses, or students that don't attend a campus at all!
Academic Fairs - Science Fair, Living Wax Museum, Book Fairs, etc.
Field Trips - These will be coordinated across age groups! If your family is invited to a field trip due to the age of one of your students, the whole family is invited to come along!
All Aspire Field Trips - There will be several field trips where all of Aspire is invited! You won't want to miss these events for the whole family!
Standardized Testing - As homeschoolers, some of us test, and some of us don't! At Aspire, we give members lots of freedom and room to school their students as they see fit! However, if you are interested in taking part in some Standardized Testing next Spring, make sure to check the option for Educational Extras on your Member Family Registration Form!
Graduation - Oh mama! This day is here for you and we want to celebrate (and cry!) with you! Each graduating Senior is required to have one parent serve on the Graduation Committee to help plan the graduation event.
Graduating Class Crews - These crazy crews help make connections between students in a particular graduating class. These crews start in the 9th grade and seek to cultivate friendships that will last through high school and beyond! It's more fun to experience your Senior year and graduate with friends!
Member Requirements for Educational Extras Participation
To be a part of the Educational Extras Program, each Member Family must adhere to the following:
Choose the Educational Extras option on the Member Family Registration Form, and the Graduating Senior option if applicable
Be a fully vetted Aspire Member Family (all background checks passed, important docs signed, yearly fees paid)
There will be a small fee to participate in Academic Fairs & Standardized Testing
The cost of Field Trips will be covered by attending families
The Educational Extras Team will add you to their private Communication Group for more instructions on plugging into this program.