If a family would like to become a member of The Aspire Group, there are several requirements:
Must educate one or more children at home
Agree to abide by the entire Aspire Group By-Laws, including the Statement of Faith and all Policies.
Must opt in to at least one Program offered by The Aspire Group.
Agree to be a visible member during the current school year in the Aspire Programs chosen, and sign all volunteer commitment and guideline agreements.
Agree to review the Student Commitment and/or the Junior High/Senior High Code of Conduct agreement with your children and have each student sign the acknowledgement form.
Agree to complete the Member Family Registration information forms and sign a release of liability form for the Aspire Group and ALL participating churches.
Agree to have a background check and search acquired on all adults living in the member family home and/or volunteering at Aspire Group events.
Agree to adhere to all requirements of Aspire Group Programs that family has opted to be a part of.
Paid the yearly member fees of the Aspire Group by the communicated deadline.

Group membership requirements state that each member family must educate one or more of their children at home. Aspire does welcome families that not only homeschool, but also have children in a public or private school setting. Because of this, the Group has a few rules regarding member family children that are not homeschooled. A non-homeschooled member family student:
May attend any field trips, holiday parties or family events, but must remain under the supervision of the volunteering family member.
May occasionally visit during a class day if student’s school is not in session. Advanced arrangements must be made with the Campus Lead at your campus.
May NOT regularly attend class days as a student member.
May NOT be consistently involved in student programs such as other educational activities, social night events, etc.
The Leadership Board and Operational Leadership Team reserve the right to review special family situations and make rare exceptions to this policy. Please contact the Executive Director HERE if you would like to apply for Aspire Group membership with an exemption from this policy.