If you have spent money on items for Aspire, please follow this process to be reimbursed.
☑️ Take a picture of your receipt (or scan).
☑️ Send an email to: reimburse@aspirehomeschool.org and include the following info in your email:
➡️Items purchased
➡️Reason for purchase
➡️How you would like to be reimbursed - paper check or Venmo.
We will cut paper checks once a month, but Venmo reimbursements will happen within 48 hours of your reimbursement approval.
If VENMO please include your information to send the money's.
‼️Your classroom reimbursements will first come out of your “bucket” of collected class fees. If there were no class fees or if all class fees have been spent, you can still submit expense reimbursements up to $30. Anything above $30 must be approved.
‼️Please Note! If you teach for Aspire’s Academic Day, then you are a 1099 Contractor for Aspire. Any money we pay you has to be counted as income on your 1099 at the end of the year. To avoid paying taxes on reimbursements, please do the following: either ask that Aspire purchase your supplies for you; OR if you purchase them, please hold on to your receipts so you can deduct these expenses from your taxable income at the end of the year. Please message Amy Dean with any specific questions on this.