2024 Aspire Holiday Market
Located at:
Eastwood Baptist Church
948 South 91st East Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74112
If you'd like to be an official Vendor at our 2024 Aspire Holiday Market please fill out the form below.
Register today! Spots are limited.
1. What happens if my Application has been placed on the waiting list?
If your application has been placed on our waiting list, we will contact you as appropriate booth space becomes available. Please note that changes occur and spaces may open through set-up on Friday, so be prepared for a last minute call.
2. May I share my booth space with another vendor?
A vendor may not share or sell any of his/her space without our approval.
3. Are more than one national franchise/multi level marketing companies allowed in the market?
We only allow one vendor representing franchises and/or multiple level marketing companies e.g. Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Young Living etc. We do limit the number of these booths as a whole as well.
Market Questions:
1. What are your rates?
Our booth rental rate is $35 per 10’x 10’ booth and is non-refundable.
2. What time is check-in?
Official set-up time is Friday, November 22nd, 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3. What are the show hours?
Show hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 23rd, 2024. We advertise these hours to the public, please be prepared with enough inventory to sell throughout the day. Early departure will not be allowed without approval for emergency situations.
4. May I have access to electricity?
Electrical requests must be made on your application and can not be added later. If electricity is requested, you will be responsible for bringing your own extension cords. There is a $5 fee for electrical.
5. How are taxes handled?
Each vendor is responsible for collecting his or her own sales tax.
6. Do you rent tables for the show?
We do not provide tables for vendors. You are responsible for your own tables. We do rent 1 table and 2 chairs for $5. This request must be made on your application.
7. Are outside food and drinks allowed?
No outside food or drinks are allowed in the market unless they are goods to be sold.
8. Is WiFi available?
Yes, however it can be unstable in the part of the building where the market is held. Please plan for a backup form of payment in case there are WiFi technical issues.
9. How may I contact the Market?
You may email us at: bbaker@aspirehomeschool.org