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The Aspire Group Programs for 2020-2021

Changes Due to Covid-19

Since March 2020, we have been constantly evaluating our ever-changing world.  Aspire Leadership jumped into action as they always do and secured plans for all our programs to continue as normal in the Fall 2020 semester, because we just knew things were going to calm down after June, right?


Here we sit in July after much work, planning, prayer, debate, tears, more prayers, frustrations, legal junk, even more prayers, and have decided we need to rework the plans for this 2020-2021 school year. If you want to know why, click HERE for the long list of things considered and reasons for the Aspire Leadership and Board of Directors voting for these changes.


Even though the school year will not look like we had hoped, Aspire will still strive to meet the needs of the Tulsa Homeschool Community during these tough and strange times.  Below you will see the details of Aspire Programs still available to our Members for this school year.



Family Registration will stay the same & allows for families to take part in Aspire programs. Nothing changes there.  You can register your family as an Aspire Member Family by filling out the Registration Form HERE.


Cooperative Campus (Fridays)

  • We will shift to a fun class day once a month, pay as you participate, with a special focus. Campus Leads are planning now to pull together fun enrichment days. Each day will have a theme, played out for the different age levels to meet the social needs of each student at that campus.

  • Each family at the campus would have the choice of whether to attend each fun class day or not since every month seems to have different Covid-19 risks and some families have more significant health concerns than others.  This also allows for less financial risk to Aspire and its members.  If you don't RSVP for that class day, then we don't buy supplies for you, and you don't pay. Win-Win in these times where funds are tighter than normal for everyone!

  • Campus Field Trips will also be planned a few times a semester.


Academy Program

  • Pause. I know... Get out the Kleenex if you can find any because all the Academy staff and families have probably used it all up across the Tulsa Metro Area.  Kidding.  Not kidding. Seriously, we have been in tears on this one.  Due to high risks, Aspire Leadership feels it is wise to pause our Academy Program until we have more clarity. Maybe that is until January for certain classes where it makes sense. Maybe that is next school year.  We continue to pray and seek guidance on this from our Board and Legal parties and will start this back up as soon as we can.  Believe me, we'll all be racing back as soon as we possibly can! 

  • It's killing us that we can't provide Academic support to our community this year.  So, we plan to do the next best thing.  Provide resources. We will work to continue to support our home school community in Academic studies through the following:

    • maintain a list of Academy Tutors that are willing to do Private Tutoring at individual and group rates 

    • communicate what group tutoring options are available among our community of families in Aspire

    • provide community & online homeschooling resources via our website and social media

    • loan out Aspire Academy curriculum for free to Aspire member families who would like to borrow it for this school year at no charge

    • create several opportunities to open the Academy Benevolence room to Aspire families and the public for families to come and find great FREE curriculum to help them through this school year

  • To take advantage of these great academic resources provided by Aspire, please fill out a form HERE for ​more info!


All Other Programs

  • Aspire offers so much more than just our campus experiences!  We will continue as planned and evaluate each event & gathering as we go through the school year.  With the constant change, we all have to remain flexible and plan as best we can, but be ready to shift our plans if required.

  • The additional programs Aspire offers to the Tulsa Area Homeschool Community are:

    • Student Social - Special opportunities multiple times a month to meet with kids of the same age and do fun pre-planned and parent-supervised activities​

    • ​Family Community - Mom & Dad need support too! We work to create an atmosphere of support for, not just our families, but our parents too!  This includes several things specifically for mom - Mom's Night Out, Sisterhoods which are fun pre-planned playdates, even book studies that culminate in our fantastic mom's getaway trip to Branson in February!

    • Fun Events - Prom, Graduation, Family Bonfire, High School Fall Dance...  and more!  Let's just say that at Aspire, we know how to have fun!

    • College & Career - Have a kid that no longer sings the ABC song?  Us too, we'll cry with you!  And we'll help you navigate the world of homeschooling a highschooler and preparing them for life after graduation.

    • Aspiring Hands - Opportunities to serve our community and our world and to serve them arm-and-arm with your Aspire friends and family!

    • Aspire Clubs - Book Club, Lego Club, Art Club, Robotics Clubs (they almost went to Worlds last year, but we won't brag!), Clubs for everyone!

    • Educational Extras - Remember the Science Fair? Well, we do that, plus some other cool stuff like a Living Wax Museum - yep. Pretty much all the cool people were there. Seriously.

    • Willows - Last but not least is our sweet Willows.  This is a support group for the best people in our world - our special needs students.  The Willows Director is always sharing helpful resources and encouraging community among our Willow friends.

Interested in any of these programs, even in their new, different Covid-19 form??  Then click HERE to register your family and join ours!

You'll notice trees as our group theme. This is no accident! *Psalm 1:1-3* 

We ASPIRE to walk with you and support you in every way possible with grace and guidance so that your family tree produces every good fruit of the spirit. 

© Copyright by The Aspire Group
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